Saturday, 16 April 2016

How it affects when no consistency in job

At the time of college or making studies all, we desire to have a good job with the high salary paid irrespective to how we perform in studies and knowledge we have in depth regarding a subject .In the flip side we don’t ever bother  about the future nor willing to predict  hurdles what we yet to face, perhaps in the assumption of getting a job in MNC and consume showy corporate life where boys bother for girls, no comments about girls, I hope this would be the fact for 80%.Because this is what I felt before my job life, let me put this article in layman language rather not statics and unit measured analysis.

employee inconsistency
Fine, somehow with the hard work, bit of luck adding with intelligence successfully completed the exams. After few days of gap what we called as a pet name EXAMS REST then starts  for the job hunting with high expectations, most of them end up getting job in small & medium size firms  and some of them in MNC(Multinational company)  yet still many of them back of training institutes with lots of hope.

Reason why mindset changes frequently

Not all the sectors, firms, domains have similar kind of working environment depends on the circumstances of their internal and external factors, as a fresher not many of them could adapt to all sort of working environment would be because of cross culture, internal politics, uncertain indirect pressure on your thoughts from superiors, management, uncomfortable with ambiance, unexpected low salary, unsatisfied with the work, in this process we seek unconsciously negative suggestions from others. Every individual have own perspective also would be a very sensitive because of some pain points, psychologically it is the very thin layer.
Because the employee expectations are very high on the first job, this is the first problem we face, many of job profile irrelevant to their graduation pursued, would be the sake of good salary and also may inadequate worthy in the field of what they graduated .Once the employee adapted to this kind of mindset never ever get satisfied to any kind of job, keep stumbles to different jobs end up with incomplete knowledge, unworthy experience lots of dilemmas.

How inconsistency impact badly

In this process every single time we shift from one to another new job domain with inconsistency in the head, definitely insist you to start learning from the scratch about new job description with consuming apex time, would impacts your career very badly also chances salary would come down because you are considered as fresher in that particular domain where previous experience is not countable in terms of relative experience.

Better prepare your mind what you need exactly; salary comes high automatically with good relevant experience and knowledge gained, if you are coder stick to that if in marketing stay in that whatever the sector it would be. One thing for sure first-time job experience would be very odd, unexpected scenarios for one year if can overcome the hurdles, be adaptable, gaining the knowledge as much as you can, simple you are then just a star. I highly recommend in the serious note don’t ever take worthless suggestions from others and get demotivated. At the end skill and worthy experience extremely very valuable to get hired by an employer as well for an appraisal.

I wrote this article not just assuming or analyzing someone, just all from my experience an the mistakes what I did, because I am an engineer from auto motives probably worked for one year in the corresponding sector, then into MBA marketing specialization parallel worked part time in events managements and where full time into financial products marketing and sales, IT marketing and sales finally digital marketing. It took very long time to realize for me where I am loosing.
It doesn't have the technical theory to get the solution with some tools every moment we will come across through the experience ,if you felt this article relevant and close to you please share your personal experience in the comment box and share so we can help newbies.


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